If you’re looking for a way to save money on your utility bills, the wonderful news is that you don’t have to take only one approach. There are many ways to reduce your energy bills and save over time. Even the smallest improvements can make a big difference, allowing you to save a substantial amount in the long run. Even though there are several ways to lower your utility bills, you don’t have to invest in them all at once. You can implement these positive changes slowly, depending on your budget and time location. But first things first. Here are some of the best ways to reduce your energy usage and save more.
1. Replace the Roof
You should consider investing in a new roof as a way to save money on utility bills. That’s because if you make a wise selection, a new roof can help make your home more energy efficient. Take metal roofs, for instance. Metal roofing is one of the most energy-efficient options because it possesses two main properties: reflectivity and emissivity. Reflectivity refers to the ability of a metal roof to reflect the sun’s rays back into the surrounding environment. On the other hand, emissivity refers to the property of releasing any heat energy that has been absorbed back into the environment. If you touch a metal roof on a hot day, the surface will feel hot, but the good news is that most of this heat energy will dissipate into the surrounding environment instead of being absorbed in your home.
This automatically means that your home will be much cooler during summer. Therefore, your HVAC system doesn’t have to work extra hard to maintain the desired temperature. When the burden on your HVAC system is significantly reduced, it uses less power, which is where your energy savings come from. If you’re looking for a way to save money by reducing the burden on your HVAC, you can also seal air leaks, install weatherproofing, and use ceiling fans to keep your home cooler.
When this is combined with a roof replacement, it can go a long way towards boosting your energy savings. Make sure you only purchase ENERGY STAR certified roofing material that can reflect more of the sun’s rays. You can also consult with a local roofing service that can help you explore your options and provide advice. For instance, light-colored roofs tend to be more energy-efficient than darker-colored roofs. That said, don’t just prioritize energy efficiency when shopping for a new roof. Instead, also consider crucial factors like durability and longevity to avoid the need for roofing repair services soon after investing in a new roof.
2. Replace the Garage Door
You may be wondering how replacing your garage door can be a way to save money on utility bills effectively. There are several ways that upgrading to a better garage door can reduce your home’s energy consumption. To begin with, start by considering how much energy your garage door uses. Keep in mind that if you’re using a garage door opener, a small amount of electricity is consumed each time you open and close the garage door safely. Your opener also uses some electricity even when it’s not actively opening and closing your garage. While it’s true that garage door openers only draw small amounts of electricity when they are not in action, this energy use does add up over time.
Most people tend to disregard the phenomenon of phantom loads, but when it comes to energy savings, every little bit helps. That’s why you may have even heard that unplugging appliances helps save energy because any charger that’s plugged into an electrical source will draw energy. In the case of a garage door opener, upgrading to newer garage door models with improved garage door opener units can ensure improved efficiency. When purchasing a new garage door, be sure to choose one with superior insulation. The best energy-efficient garage doors have weatherstripping and are made from energy-efficient materials to prevent outside air from entering the garage.
You should also look for doors with a low U-factor and a high R-value. The U-factor looks at how efficiently a particular material conducts heat energy, while the R-value indicates how good your garage door is at resisting the transfer of heat. Use professional garage door services and work with a knowledgeable supplier for quality products and installation. The biggest benefit of replacing your garage door comes from the fact that your garage door will not allow outside temperatures and weather to affect the interior of your home. Also, if you have been experiencing issues with your garage door, you can save more money on garage door repairs.
3. Upgrade Your HVAC
Upgrading your HVAC system is also a way to save money on utility bills. You may be wondering what makes an HVAC system energy efficient. Well, it comes down to several scientific ratings, such as the SEER rating and the EER rating. The SEER rating is the seasonal energy efficiency ratio, and the higher this rating, the more energy efficient your system will be. Similarly, the EER or the energy efficiency ratio has to be higher if you want to maximize your energy savings. If your current system is old, consider investing in a whole new system and upgrade to an ENERGY STAR model with the best ratings that correlate to increased energy efficiency.
If you don’t have enough money to splurge on a new system, the good news is there are many ways to help you improve the efficiency of the existing system. For instance, you can retrofit an old system, which involves replacing critical components, such as the compressor, to improve the function of the machine. You can also increase the insulation of your home because when your home is well insulated, there’s a lower chance of conditioned air escaping, so your HVAC will have less work heating or cooling your home.
Other ways to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system are by making use of curtains and blinds, changing your air filters regularly, upgrading to a smart thermostat, and keeping your unit clean. Let’s consider these options one by one. For starters, a programmable thermostat allows you to be more precise with your temperature settings, which helps to drastically reduce the amount you spend on your utility bills. Additionally, when you install blackout curtains or blinds during the summer months, this helps your home to maintain a cooler temperature. Scheduling regular maintenance at least twice a year also keeps your HVAC system functioning smoothly and efficiently.
Although implementing all these initiatives is certainly a way to save money on utility bills, nothing beats replacing an inefficient system with a newer and more efficient one. Therefore, if your HVAC system is nearing the end of its life expectancy, start budgeting for a replacement as soon as possible. There are additional advantages that come with upgrading your HVAC system. You can avoid frequent and costly HVAC repairs or unexpected breakdowns that can inconvenience you and leave your home feeling uncomfortable. Be sure to seek the services of a reputable HVAC company to ensure a quality installation that will maximize the performance of your system.
4. Replace Your Furnace
Are you tired of hiring a heating and air conditioning service to fix your furnace? When your furnace keeps needing heating repair, this could also be a sign that it’s becoming increasingly inefficient. Therefore, you should consider replacing your furnace as a way to save money by killing two birds with one stone. You can save on furnace repairs and energy costs by installing a newer model. According to the Department of Energy, modern furnaces can achieve efficiencies as high as 98.5% compared to the 56-70% of older fossil fuel furnace systems.
When shopping for a new furnace, make sure you purchase the right-sized unit to meet your needs. As explained earlier, implementing other measures to improve the energy efficiency of your home, such as adding insulation and upgrading to new energy-efficient windows, results in more savings. Make sure you opt for a dependable brand that gives you more bang for your buck. Upgrading your furnace as a way to save money on utility bills only makes sense if you choose a high-efficiency furnace with the ENERGY STAR label.
5. Replace Windows
Homeowners are encouraged to invest in window replacement as a way to save money by increasing the energy efficiency of their space. According to the Department of Energy, heat gain and heat loss through windows can contribute as much as 25-35% to your home’s heating and cooling energy use. Therefore, if your windows are partially responsible for your high energy bills, it’s important to upgrade them and choose the most efficient options that work for your budget. If you’re not sure whether your windows need to be replaced, check them to see if there are any air leaks. Additionally, if your windows have single panes then you most likely need to upgrade.
Besides choosing the best glass service, you will have to make several considerations so that you choose the best energy-efficient windows for your needs. Important considerations to make include the glazing types, gas fills, frame type, and mode of operation. To ensure that you make the right selection, start by considering only window products with the ENERGY STAR label.5 The higher the rating, the more efficient and the greater the performance you can expect from your new windows. Choosing ENERGY STAR-certified windows is the best way to ensure you’re buying windows with the right properties you need.
When it comes to additional selection tips, don’t just consider the ENERGY STAR labels. You should also go for double or triple-pane options with gas in-between the panes. The gas acts as insulation, thus making the windows even more efficient. You should also look for windows with the right emissivity coatings to reduce heat loss. You should also only consider reputable glass companies for the installation because your new windows can only perform as expected if they’re properly installed. Additionally, having your windows installed by the right professionals will protect the warranty since the experts know how to perform the installation according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
6. Upgrade Your Appliances
There are many ways to reduce your home’s energy consumption, and one of them is upgrading your appliances. Swapping your old appliances with more energy-efficient ones could be a way to save money on utility bills. Although upgrading your appliances comes with initial upfront costs, this is an easy strategy that can reward you with significant energy savings in the long run. The trick is to start by upgrading appliances that consume a lot of energy. The list includes your water heater, refrigerator, freezer, washer, dryer, and television. We have already talked about upgrading your HVAC system and your furnace, so they won’t be mentioned on the list.
Appliances like your freezer and fridge use a lot of electricity because they have to maintain cold temperatures even when the weather is swelteringly hot outside. Since the technology behind energy-efficient appliances has improved significantly, you can easily find many newer models with more efficient energy consumption. The same applies to your washer, drier, and TV. If these appliances are old, your best bet is to get rid of them and get new models to maximize your savings and lower your electricity bills. Besides enhancing your energy lifestyle, upgrading your appliances also offers more benefits like improved aesthetics and functionality.
As you can see, there are plenty of options to consider if you’re looking for a way to save money on your utility bills. The more energy-efficient upgrades you make, the more your savings will increase. You not only get to pocket more money, but you can also enjoy the feeling of shrinking your carbon footprint. When you increase the overall energy efficiency of your home, this lowers your reliance on electricity produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Essentially, you’re doing your part to lessen the demand for fossil fuels and protect the environment from the damage caused by burning fossil fuels.