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When You’re Between a Rock and a Hard Place Try Getting Approved for Pre-Settlement Cash

When You’re Between a Rock and a Hard Place Try Getting Approved for Pre-Settlement Cash

Money SaverFeb 10, 20164 min read

It seems like the standard of living gets higher every year and that for an ever increasing percentage of the population, it can be tough to keep up with costs. Statistics show that more than 40% of Americans spend more…

The 4 Benefits of Outsourcing Payroll Systems

The 4 Benefits of Outsourcing Payroll Systems

Money SaverFeb 6, 20164 min read

For many companies, the department that handles processing payroll does a lot more than hand out cheques. Many small businesses hire payroll service companies to handle a plethora of human resources tasks such as calculating payroll taxes, filing and preparing…

Are You Deciding Between Lump Sum and Annuity?

Are You Deciding Between Lump Sum and Annuity?

Money SaverFeb 3, 20163 min read

Were you faced with deciding between lump sum and annuity? You may have been faced with that decision following a lawsuit or maybe you won a large lottery. Either way, you may have had to make a decision. Depending on…

How to Get Rich Quick The Downside to Lottery Winnings and Structured Settlements

How to Get Rich Quick The Downside to Lottery Winnings and Structured Settlements

Money SaverFeb 2, 20163 min read

There are three ways to get rich quick in the United States: rob a bank, win the lottery, or sue someone. Since robbing a bank ought to be out of the question, let’s focus on the latter two. Winning the…

The Many Things You Can Do When You Sell Your Structured Settlement

The Many Things You Can Do When You Sell Your Structured Settlement

Money SaverFeb 2, 20163 min read

You?re owed a large amount of money from a lawsuit settling or a lottery winning, but you still don?t have all of your money. You were offered many monthly payments over a long period of time, offering you regular payments;…

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